Our Sessions

Smiles of Quorn offer the following Before and After School Club sessions. We are taking bookings now, please enquire or register online to secure your place.

Sessions Times

Breakfast Sessions Monday to Friday: 7.30am 'till school starts

After school session Monday to Thursday: end of school 'till 5.30pm

After school session Friday: end of school 'till 5.00pm

Session Fees

Breakfast session Monday to Friday: £7.50 per session (includes breakfast)

After school session Monday to Thursday: £13.50 per session (includes a snack)

After school session Friday: £15.50 per session (includes a snack)

Support with the cost of childcare

We are committed to supporting parents and carers with the cost of childcare. Wherever possible we will always try to accept childcare vouchers, please talk to us to check that we are able to accept vouchers from your childcare voucher schemes and to allow us time to register with the required schemes. We are already registered to accept payments from most childcare voucher providers (see image below) as well as the tax-free childcare scheme. You can find out what childcare options are available to you at Childcare Choices.